Sunday, January 27, 2008

Exams!!! its still exist when u are working!!

I always had the impression that once you are working, you do not have to worry about taking exams anymore.... well how wrong could i be (+_+) because me and 2 other colleagues will have to take the CCA(Citrix Certified Administrator) examination this coming Thursday which is a follow up of the Citrix Presentation Server course that we have taken 3 months back... whats worse is that i have just started reading today. Currently at page 50 of the course module which in total is 908 pages thick >.<

With 3days remaining i need to cover an average of 280 pages a day which means sleepless nights for me...! Furthermore we have not received the test king program which is a summary of the possible exam questions.... hopefully we will receive the material tomorrow and pray that it would be of use to us.

Somebody help meee...ooww!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

W.L.B = Work Life Balance!

This is what i have learnt from the workplace, it stresses on the balance between work and personal life. Basically what WLB is all about is that work should not affect your personal time and vice versa. Work is strictly work and play is strictly play. More over what make me realise about this fact is whats happening to Pattie lately... for the past few days she has been coming back from work after 10pm =( she starts her day at 8am which means that she is has been working for 14 hours a day... without any OT!! Thats EXPLOITATION!!!!!! Futhermore even for a trainee, the amount of work she is doing does is not justified by the amount that she is paid. But im not stressing on the money, gaining work experience is good for her but not till the extent of deteriorating health and sleepless nights...

I hope her additional workload will end by this week. As a trainee of a company she has the right to voice it out to her employer. Personally if the employer continues doing this i would advise her to quit the job. It worries me to see her like this...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Media Frenzy.... Child kidnabbed again!!

Have you seen her?

If you live in Malaysia and have read the papers or watch news on a daily basis the picture above would not be something new to you. Thats right! the child in the poster is Sharlinie who was recently kidnabbed from a playground 200m away from her home. Its been more than 2 weeks now and still no word about her whereabouts. Somehow i think the massive media attention on this case as well as how the search is conducted may infact put her life in danger. With pictures of her posted every where, flyers being passed about and pictures of her flashing across the T.V screens... Whole Malaysia is looking for her.

Now put yourself in the kidnapper(s) shoes, imagine a whole country is looking for the child in your custody... wouldnt you be pressured and scared? furthermore there is a RM 100,000 prize reward given to anyone who has any leads to her whereabouts. The only way to get away scott free is to dispose off whatever that you have in custody which in this case is the child! what if the child has a good memory and can give the police a photofit of what you look like? the child might get killed because dead man tell no tales.... This is what i believe happened to Nur Jazlin the child who was found dead in a sport bag with signs of sexual abuse a few months back... that came under media spotlight in a case very similar to what is happening now.

I dont know a better way to do look for her but the media frenzy must stop! a childs life is at stake! moreover the media should focus on educating the public to keep a keen eye on their kids! How can those who negelect their children call themselves parents.... when even animals keep their young by their side at all times until they are able to fend for themselves.

Monday, January 21, 2008

1st post of 2008!! Cheong is Back!!

Hi its me again... i have to apologize to all my frens for being in exile all this while. I dont know it just been lately i have been quite withdrawn running away from problems just like a turtle finding solace in its shell... Until Gin Hoe came look me up for yum cha in Sunway asking me what im doing lately as he have not heard from me for a while. Haha while watching the football match, I got an unexpected call.... from Alan all the way from Canada also asking me the same question. It feels great that there are people who still remember good ol' Cheong =)

Looking back at the past year i it was not such a bad year for then piggies (people born in year 1983) well i dont know bout the others but it was quite good for me, although what i wish for the most did not come true. This year it would a fresh new beginning and make a self reflection 2 change for the better. With CNY just around the corner i havent got my new clothes yet... Arghhh!!! May the year of the rat be kind to us all and hope that Choy San will give lots of prosperity!