Thursday, November 30, 2006

Guilt.... and vision problems

Few days back... i was doing my support work as usual when i was supposed to help fix a customers site instead i screwed it even further.... the feeling is indescribable. Its the opposite of what i am supposed to do. Then i wondered even a small thing like this can cause such feeling of guilt, imagine what goes on in the mind of a criminal who intentionally does evil deeds just for personal gain. Lately i realise my vision is deteriorating... sometime the images i see looks blur. Whats happening to me .. to my eyes... my life.. im losing sight of things that are really important to me. Somebody help me....


Watomato said...

U need glasses... and maybe even a new job... think about it...

team.warsurfer said...

Stoopit cheong...
my blog URL is la... not warsufer
nabeh ~~ warsurfer aso dunno spell meh? hahha