Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sotong Gergasi! a.k.a Giant Squid

Since i was a child i have always been fascinated by the giant squid thanks to the movie 20,000 leagues under the sea. Also referred as "Kraken" in Norwegian folklore this creature is featured in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest". This is no ordinary squid that turns up on your dinner table. This is one behemoth squid which is very elusive and lives in the crushing depths of the sea. Not until recently the knowledge of this majestic creature remain hidden, with the development advance technology are we starting to piece together the mystery surrounding giant squids. Japanese researchers made history on December 4 2006 when they were successful in filming a video of a live giant squid. It sometimes gives me the creeps imagining an invertebrate can grow up to the size of a great white shark. If one day a living giant squid is available to be viewed by the public i will definitely be there to see it.

1 comment:

dontbenosey said...

disgusting but cool